Spring Sports
About the Program
Who: 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys
Season: Mid April through the end of May
Practice: After school – 4:45pm (May be subject to change due to inclement weather)
Competition: Matches will be held against the other middle schools in ISD 196. Schedules will be handed out the second week of the season once matches are finalized.
Sign up: Payable in MyPaymentsPlus
Sports Physical: A sports physical must be on file before you may register on MyPaymentsPlus. A completed physical, signed by a physician may be dropped off at the VMSS nurse’s office.
Dear Tennis Players and Parents:
We are excited and ready for the upcoming season and want to inform you about procedures for signing up and also expectations. Our first practice is mid April. All players should meet on the tennis courts after school with a racket, appropriate practice clothes/shoes, and a water bottle. Sometimes players store their racket and gear with the teacher they have last period of the day so it is easy to get and head to tennis. It will be important to make sure the place you store your racket is a safe place where other students will not touch it.
Practice times are Monday through Friday 3:00-4:45pm. If it’s raining and/or too wet to safely play, tennis will be canceled for the day. An announcement will be made prior to the end of the school day, so athletes may catch their bus. VMSS activity buses will take players home after practice. There may be a few days when tennis is canceled due to interference with our practice times. Conferences and grade level parties are a couple examples.
A schedule of matches will be handed out when it is finalized with the other schools in our district (usually the second week of practice). The schedule will also be posted on the VMSS website under athletics (boys tennis). The schedule is subject to change depending on weather. When we are scheduled for an away match, it is very important that players and parents communicate to make arrangements for transportation home. Players will ride the bus to matches, but may ride home with a parent after the match. It is important to sign out with the coach if a parent is taking a player home from the match. The bus, however, will bring the team back to VMSS when the match ends and usually arrive back to VMSS between 5:30-6pm. (Too late for the activity bus)
If a player has an appointment or illness, it would be greatly appreciated if an email could be sent to inform the coaches of the absence. We’re looking forward to a fun season. Please do not hesitate to email with any questions or concerns.
Sign up: Boys Tennis is $110, payable in MyPaymentsPlus. (please see an administrator if the cost is prohibitive to work out solution).
Sports Physical: A sports physical must be on file before you can register on MyPaymentsPlus. Completed physicals, signed by a physician, may be dropped off at the VMSS nurse’s office.
Karen Scott, ksscott7@msn.com and
John Bronson, John.Bronson@district196.org
How to get prints made:
- Find the photo you would like to download in order to make prints.
- Click on the picture to download it and save it to a flash drive/CD/or memory card.
- Take it to a store for digital prints to be made or you can print them from home.
Please note: If a picture doesn't show up and has an "In The Works" icon, the picture has not been posted yet. This is merely a placeholder until the image is uploaded for parents to download.
If you are addressed about copyright infringement please print this page for their records.
Valley Middle School of STEM releases all rights to these photographs for parents to print. These prints were taken and assembled in house at VMSS and we reserve the right to provide these digital copies for our parents/students for reproduction purposes.