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Portal Access

Infinite Campus Portal, a web-based system that allows you as a parent to update health and contact information, keep track of attendance, view your student's schedule and report cards when they are published.

Schoology is integrated with Google Drive and Infinite Campus to provide students, teachers and parents a networking tool to submit assignments, post grades, share feedback and take learning digital.

infinite campus portal login logo


For further assistance, please contact your child’s school.

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Students log in with their username and password provided by the school.

Access Schoology Support

EduTrak Payment System Login


  • Athletics/Activities/Fine Arts: Registration/payment for athletics, activities and fine arts, and other school registrations
  • Online School Store: Public access to spirit wear, services, and fundraisers
  • Fees: Registration/payment for fees such as field trips, library fines, iPad repairs, etc.
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Application assistance is available to families from MNsure (651-539-2099 OR 1-855-366-7873), the Minnesota Department of Human Services (651-297-3862) or Dakota County Community Services (651-554-5611).

A copy of the most recent version of the application is linked in English, Spanish and Somali.

First page of the PDF file: VALLEYMIDDLEParentDropOff

Need to report an absence?

New this year you will need your student's ID number to complete the process.

Visit this page to find out more and fill out the form.

Family Resources

Second Step

At Valley Middle School of STEM we want your child to be successful in school, and that means supporting and encouraging their whole development. While excelling in academic classes is important, students also need skills for learning challenges, making good decisions, handling strong emotions, and getting along with others.

In Advisory class, we will be using Second Step® Middle School, a research-based social-emotional learning program designed to improve students’ social-emotional skills, such as emotion management, impulse control, problem solving, and empathy. Second Step skills and concepts are designed to help students both in and out of school.

Second Step Lesson Topics & Timeline:

  • Mindsets and Goals (September-November).: Students learn how to develop a growth mindset and apply research-based goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives.
  • Recognizing Bullying and Harassment (November-January): Students learn how to recognize bullying and harassment, stand up safely to bullying, and respond appropriately to harassment.
  • Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions (February-March): Students learn how to recognize strong emotions and unhelpful thoughts, and apply strategies to manage their emotions and reduce stress.
  • Managing Relationships and Social Conflict (March-May): Students learn strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships, perspective-taking, and dealing with conflict.


If you have any questions about Second Step® Middle School, please don’t hesitate to contact our school for more information. Thank you for your support as we work to build a safe and supportive school community.

Second Step Parent Resources:

  • Second Step Program Information for Families website to learn more about social-emotional learning, why it’s important, what their child is learning through the program and to view sample lessons.  This is a public webpage that doesn’t not require a log in.

ParenTeen Connect: a free resource for parents that provides expert advice and practical tools for dealing with real parent-teen issues.

Student Surveys


6th Grade Daily Schedule

7th Grade Daily Schedule

8th Grade Daily Schedule