School Supply List
2024-2025 For ALL Grades
*NOTE: Locker dimensions are 23" Tall, 12" Wide, and 12" Deep
Students are not permitted to put anything on the outside of their lockers.
□ Single Spiral Notebooks (1 for 6th Grade - 6 for 7th Grade - 4 for 8th Grade)
□ 5 Folders with pockets
□ 4 Composition Notebooks - College Rules
□ 2 boxes of tissue (turn into Advisory teacher)
□ 2 packages/boxes of #2 pencils
□ Pencil Sharpener
□ Erasers
□ Box of Colored Pencils
□ Assortment of Pens (Black, Blue & Red)
□ Multi-Colored Highlighters
□ Package of 8 Washable Markers
□ Post-its (multi-pack)
□ 4 Glue Sticks
□ Small Scissors (6th Grade Only)
□ Pencil Pouch/Bag
□ Scientific Calculator - Texas Instrument Tl-30XII 0 Stylus for your iPad (not required)
□ Earbuds or headphones with cords (cordless are not permitted)
□ Drawstring Bag for Phy Ed.
□ Padlock for Gym Locker (VMSS is not responsible for lost or stolen items)
□ Swimsuit & Towel
□ Gym Clothes & Shoes
*Teachers will inform students of any additional items/supplies for a particular class and/or elective as needed during the first week of school.